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We accept donations throughout the year for the endowment or for scholarships in the upcoming academic year.  To make a tax-deductible contributions to the endowment, please follow the instructions in the link below.




Dr. Jonathan Addleton 

Rector of Forman Christian College

(A Chartered University in Lahore, Pakistan)

October 6, 2021


The Endowment for Higher Education in Asia was established by the Session of Bradley Hills Presbyterian Church in 2010 to provide educational opportunities for women in institutions of higher learning in Asia.

Past Events

Since its founding, the Endowment for Higher Education in Asia has held periodic fundraisers to highlight the work of the endowment, celebrate those who have contributed, and draw our community of support together with speakers, entertainment and a dinner.

Get Involved

We are always looking for new friends of women’s education and the endowment to help us plan and hold our fundraising events, maintain our web page, communicate with our members, and identify possible new institutions of higher education to support. 

News 1

George and Leslye Johnson - past members of Bradley Hills Presbyterian Church and former NIH scientists - have taught at Forman Christian College, our primary recipient of scholarship aid, and they observed first-hand the students benefiting from the scholarships provided.

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change

the world.”

Nelson Mandela

Forman Christian College 2012 scholarship recipients with George and

Leslye Johnson (back row, right) and an official from the College

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