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Our History

Members of Bradley Hills Presbyterian Church, PCUSA, desiring to create an effective instrument for peacemaking, partnerships, mutual ministry and interfaith understanding by providing educational opportunities for women in institutions of higher learning in Asia, proposed to Session that an endowment be established at Bradley Hills Presbyterian Church to further that purpose. This proposal was approved by Session in April 2008.


The Endowment for Higher Education in Asia was then created as a special endowment of Bradley Hills Presbyterian Church on January 19, 2010 with the following statement of purpose: “The mission of the Endowment for Higher Education in Asia is to provide educational opportunities for women in institutions of higher learning in Asia.”  


Forman Christian College in Lahore, Pakistan – a leading institution of higher education in the country, established in 1864 by Presbyterian missionary Charles Forman, great-grandfather of BHPC members Douglas and Catherine Forman – was selected to be the initial recipient of Asia Endowment funds. 


The endowment has now grown to over $93,000. Its proceeds are combined with donations received through other Bradley Hills programs such as the Angel Gift Tree program and individuals’ gifts, enabling us since 2008 to sponsor from 7 to 14 women students each year to attend Forman Christian College. Our goal for this year is to reach $100,000. 


Learn more about the work of Forman Christian College from the students themselves.

Bonnie Holcomb compares the endowment to a mustard seed ministry.

Bonnie Holcomb provides the background information about the 2010 fundraiser.

Cindy Geer explains why she supports women's education in Asia.

"Educating girls and women is not only fair — it is increasingly smart. The social and economic benefits of female education are dramatic, and well documented." 



Drew Gilpin Faust, President of Harvard

in her speech "Educate Women; Change the World"

at Ewha Womans University, Seoul, South Korea

March 22, 2013

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